Magical Peru (best seller!)

Magical Peru (best seller!)

These journey of 17 days focuses on the famous sites of southern Peru - the Colca Canyon, the floating islands of Lake Titicaca, the rainbow mountains, the awe-inspiring ruins of Machu Picchu and , ... In addition to the cloud forest, llamas and condors, there's the chance to sample the styles of three contrasting cities - Lima, Arequipa and Cusco.


Day 1: Arrival in Lima
After a welcome from our team, we take you to the hotel to rest. Depending on the time of arrival, in the evening we can head out to enjoy the night life in Lima, including Parque Kennedy, the 'Calle de las Pizzas', and some of the many excellent bars and restaurants of Miraflores.

Day 2: Lima City Tour - Paracas
After breakfast go on a city tour, experiencing both colonial and modern Lima. We visit the main plaza, the government palace, the municipal hall, Lima cathedral, the archbishop’s residence, the catacombs of San Francisco, and the plaza of San Martin. In the afternoon we head along the Panamerican highway towards Paracas, stopping on the way to sample the cuisine and relax on the beaches of the south coast. After checking into the hotel in Paracas, those who have the energy can head out to sample the nightlife.

Meals included: breakfast

Day 3: Paracas - Ballestas Islands - Nazca
After breakfast we take a boat to visit the Ballestas Islands. The trip takes us around the Bay of Paracas and the port of San Martin. On the slopes of an enormous sand dune we see the giant drawing of mysterious “candle holder”. We also see sea lions and a multitude of sea birds in their natural habitat, whose idiosyncratic rock formations create one of the most attractive landscapes of the Peruvian coast. At midday we continue our journey towards Nazca, making a stop to visit a vineyard and the oasis of Huacachina. We arrive in Nazca and check in to the hotel. We will try to take a flight over Nazca lines. If it doesn't work out, we will try on the next day.

Meals included: breakfast

Day 4: Nazca - Arequipa
In the morning we take a flight over the impressive and mysterious Nazca lines if we didn't fly the day before. These lines are about 25 to 275m deep in the desert sand. They look like geometric figures and animals from the air and belong to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Later we continue on towards Arequipa. We arrive in Arequipa and check in to the hotel.

Important note: We recommend you to have breakfast before the flight. Because of the weather it is possible that the flights get cancelled.

Meals included: breakfast

Day 5: Arequipa City Tour
At an altitude of 2,400 meters above sea level, Arequipa is Peru’s second city, with a population of around 1 million. It is known as the “White City”, for its baroque architecture made from the local chalky volcanic stone sillar, a colonial legacy recognised by UNESCO, which has declared the central city a World Heritage site. The perfect volcanic cone of El Misti (5,825 meters) and its neighbour Nevado Chachani (6, 075 meters) hover over the city. Today we visit the labyrinthine monastery of Santa Catalina (considered by many the finest in South America), the cathedral, La Compañia church and the bustling San Camilo market. The night is free to enjoy the local restaurants and bars.

Meals included: breakfast

Day 6: Arequipa - Chivay - Canyon de Colca
It's an early start today, leaving from Arequipa in shared tourist transport around 3:00 am in order to visit the deepest ravine of the world (3400m), the Colca Canyon. On our way we will pass the Pampa Cañahuas and the nature reserve Aguada Blanca, the home of Vikunjas and Alpacas. Besides, we will see how the original habitants maintain their culture and tradition. We will spend the night in Chivay.
Meals included: breakfast and buffet

Day 7: Cabanaconde Trekking to the Colc Canyon (Optional: Trekking 2 days)
Early in the morning we head in our tourist transport towards the Cruz del Condor (1 1/2 hours), a spectacular lookout point where it is almost always possible to see the world's largest flying birds soaring upwards on the morning thermals as they rise from their canyon nests in search of food.On the way back we can stop at several lookout points and go on short walks to explore the different villages of the valley. Furthermore we will visit the small village Los Cabanas. This is a great oportunity to get to know the traditions and working methods in the mountainside. Night in a hotel.

Meals included: breakfast

Day 8: From Colca-Canyon to Lake Titicaca

Today we are driving to the lake Titicaca and will spend the night on the Llaachon peninsula. During the drive we will stop at different lookout points villages of the Colca-valley. We will spend the night in our hosts comunity, in a traditional house of a local family.

Meals included: alfboard

Day 9: Llachon - Trekking to Pachata - Lake Titicaca, Uros Titino, Taquile Island - Return to Puno

Early in the morning we will head to the holy point Pachata. Afterwards we will return to eat breakfast and board our private boat. First we will visit the Uros islands, the home of the pre- incas. Afterwards we will discover the island Taquile and finally return to Puno. Night in a hotel.

Meals included: halfboard

Day 10: Puno - Cusco, Montaña de Colores

After breakfast we drive from Puno to Raqui. During the drive you can enjoy the beautiful landscape and at the border between Puno and Cusco we can make a short stop. When arriving at the intersection of Checacupe, we will head to the rainbow mountains. Our bus brings us to a parking spot at a height of 4700 m. From there we will take horses to master the ascent of the Vincunca mountain, with a hight of more then 5000 m. Afterwards we will return to Raqui weher we will spend the night. Basic accommodation.

Meals included: breakfast, lunch, dinner

Day 11: Raqui - Cuzco

After breakfast we head from Raqui to Cusco, stopping by a number of interesting archeological sites and picturesque Andean villages on the way. We spend the night in the hotel in Cusco.

Meals included: breakfast

Day 12: Cuzco City Tour
After breakfast the morning is free. In the afternoon we take a guided tour through the city. We visit the K’oricancha or Temple of the Sun - the most important Incan religious centre - and archeological sites including Kenco, Sacsayhuaman, Puca-Pucara y Tambomachay, absorbing something of the mystic tradition of the Incas in each site. Another night spent in Cusco.

Meals included: breakfast

Day 13: Cuzco - Ollantaytambo - Sacred Valley
Today we visit the Sacred Valley of the Incas, including the colourful markets of Pisac, and the towns of Calca, Yucay and Urubamba. In the afternoon we visit the impressive ruins of Ollantaytambo, which was an administrative, agricultural and religious centre for the Incas. Here we can see rock walls, temples and palaces. We stay the night in the village.

Meals included: breakfast

Day 14: Sacred Valley - Aguas Calientes - Machu Picchu
Today's the day we've been waiting for. We get up early to take the train to the village of Aguas Calientes and from there ascend to the magical site of Machu Picchu - one of the seven wonders of the modern world. After a guided tour and free time to explore the ruins, we return to Aguas Calientes to spend the night.

Meals included: breakfast

Day 15: Aguas Calientes - Cuzco
Today is a good chance to gt up early, see the Sunrise and have a look around the town of Aguas Calientes. Later, there are opportunities for various activities. One of these is a trek to the waterfalls of Mandor. The falls are reached in 1 ½ hours by a trail that follows the railway lines alongside the rushing Vilcanota River. We can observe plantations of coffee, papaya, bananas, avocados and medicinal herbs. The waterfall is 20 meters high, and is formed by the crystal waters that descend from the peak of Mt Yanantin. We return to Cuzco by train and spend the night there.

Meals included: breakfast

Day 16: Cuzco
Today is a free day to relax, shop, and enjoy the beautiful Imperial City of Cusco. Places of cultural interest to visit include the house of Inca Garcilaso de la Vega (one of the first Incan chroniclers), the church of San Blas and the surrounding barrio, known for its artists and craftsmen.

Meals included: breakfast

Day 17: Cuzco - Lima - home
A morning flight leaves from Cusco to connect with international flights from Lima. We hope you've had a magical experience!


Optional jungle extension 580 usd Based on double rooms

Day 18: Cusco - Puerto Maldnado - Mounkey Island

Transfer to the airport. After an one hour flight we will arrive in Puerto Maldonado. From the airport you will be picked up and taken to the port from where you will go by boat to your hotel. We will be welcomed with a refreshing juice from the region. After a short break we begin a two- hour hike into the dense tropical rainforest. An experienced local guide leads us through the rainforest and shows us a variety of trees that are more than 500 years old, as well as numerous species of animals in their natural habitat. We will most likely see toucans, orioles, macaws, monkeys, snakes, butterflies and more. You have the opportunity to feel the magic of the Amazon rainforest, which is part of the Tambopata National Park (278.000.000 hectares).

After lunch we will visit the "Monkey Island", which is located in front of our lodge. We will cross the Madre de Dios River and observe various species of monkeys, like capuchin monkeys. Afterwards we return to the lodge. At night you have the possibility to search with a flashlight for white alligators, which are usually found on sandbanks in the river Madre de Dios. Also we can observe the Capybara, which is the largest rodent in the world, weighing up to 60kg. We will return to the lodge and have dinner.

Day 19: Sandoval Lake

After breakfast we go for a walk (3km). In the middle of the dense tropical jungle we will see the Sandoval lake, habitat of the Piranhas. With a boat we will cross the largest lake of the Tambopata National Park and get to knowthe great variety of birds, monkeys and other animals (Shansho, Cormorant, Jacanas, Pumareiher, Buzzards, Cotomono, Monkey Monks, Black Machin, Pichicos and Sloths). Afterwards we will have dinner.

Day 20: Puerto Maldonado - Lima

At 5:30 am we will take a short walk along the Canopy trail, which is over 30 meters high and gives us the opportunity to admire the nature. We will have a panoramic view of the Madre de Dios River and observe various species of birds such as Tukana, Macaws, Tanager and Pirole.

After reaksfast we will return to the city and have a transfer to the airport.


Important: We recommend you to bring mosquito repellent, a flashlight, binoculars, sunscreen, running shoes, a long-sleeved shirt and long pants in preferably pale colours.

Included in the tour price:

-Flight Cuzco - Lima
-All land transport between destinations and hotel transfers
-Private transport on days 1-6 of the trip
-All tour programes named in the itinerary
-Local guides in each location
-An experienced, English-speaking tour guide
-All entrance fees to national parks, museums, and the Machu Picchu sanctuary
-1 buffet, 1 lunchbox, 1 lunch (Chivay, Puno)
-3-star hotels with breakfast

Not included in the tour price:
-International flight

-airport fee

-flight over the Nazca lines

-Food and drink for lunch and dinner except where indicated.
-Snacks, mineral water, alcoholic drinks, entry to discotheques.

Information on food and drink:
In the major cities there is a wide range of Peruvian and international cuisine available. A meal with something to drink costs between $2-7 USD. Mineral water or soda costs 0.30-0.50 USD for a half-liter bottle. A large bottle of beer costs $1-2 USD.

What to bring:
Walking shoes with a strong sole (eg Vibram), flashlight or head lamp, hat or cap, plenty of sun cream, layers of light and warm clothing for a range of climatic conditions including a wind and water resistant jacket, camera with lithium batteries, ear plugs (optional), sleeping bag (optional).

For more information, seeFrequently Asked Questions.