Peru with Amazonas

Peru with Amazonas

This 17-day-trip combines all the classic sites of southern Peru with an adventure into the heart of the Amazon jungle. Not only will you visit Lima, Arequipa, the Colca Canyon, Lake Titicaca, Cuzco and Machu Picchu. You will also sail along the Amazon River, see exotic animals and experience the mysterious and steamy jungle.


Day 1: Arrival in Lima
Arrival in Lima and transfer to the hotel. Our tour guide will pick you up from the airport. In the hotel, you can recover from the flight. Depending on the arrival time, you can visit the modern Lima, the Kennedy park or the "Pizzaroad".


Day 2: City Tour Lima - Paracas
Today we will get to know the capital Lima, the economic and politic center of Peru. We will experience the modern as well as historic Lima. First, we visit the "Plaza Mayor" (main plaza) and the government palace, followed by the municipal hall and the archbishops residence. Next we will go to the San Francisco monastery to explore its creepy catacombs. After this excursion in Lima's underground, our tour will lead us to the plaza of San Martín and the cathedral, where the mortal remains of Franzisco Pizarro are provided. In the afternoon we will continue our journey in a southward direction. We will have lunch on our way to Paracas and you will have the possibility to buy fresh fruit and drinks. In Paracas you are free to do whatever you like for the rest of the day. If you still feel energetic enough, you can dunk into Paracas' nightlife.
Included meals: breakfast


Day 3: Paracas - Ballestas islands - Nazca
After breakfast we will visit the Ballestas islands. We will drive to the islands in a speedboat. On our way we will pass the harbour of San Martin and the mysterious Candelabro, a drawing in the sand of the desert, whose origin is still unknown. On the islands, numerous birds and sea lions have found their habitat, so we can watch them in their natural environment. Because of the wildlife's variety and the brusque rock formation, the Ballestas islands rank among the most beautiful parts of Peru's coast. Around noon, we continue our journey heading south to Nazca. On the way there, we will visit a vineyard to gain insight into the production of wine and pisco, Peru's national drink. Once we arrived in Nazca, we will check into our hotel and will either rest or take a flight over the Nazca-lines. If you wish, we can do so the next day though.
Included meals: breakfast


Day 4: Nazca - Arequipa
Today we will get up quite early to go to the airport of Nazca. There we will take a flight over the mysterious and world-famous Nazca-lines. It concerns enormous and unique geoglyphs in the desert between 25 and 275 metre, that look like geometric figures and animals from the air and belong to the UNESCO world cultural heritage. There are birds such as condors, egrets, cranes, pelicans, sea gulls etc. and a monkey, as well as a spider, a dog, two lamas and many more. A lizard was damaged, because the Panamerica railway has been built in a southward direction. After this trip we will travel to Arequipa, where we will check into our hotel and spend the night.
Included Meals: breakfast


Important note: Breakfast is recommended after the flight. Due to weather- related reasons, flights may be cancelled.


Day 5: Arequipa - City Tour
Today we visit the main plaza, considered as one of the most beautiful one's in Peru. The cathedral is a perfect example for the Peruvian architechture of the XIX century as lot's of gold and silver was used. La Compañia church is an old jesuit temple, that counts to one of the most important ones in Arequipa because of its history and tradition. You can see twisted columns scalloped with curved wreaths, flowers and birds. We also visit the labyrinth of the Santa Catalina monastery (considered by many the finest in South America). If you take a closer look, you can tell that the european influence came to an end at this point: the angels have Indean faces, one of them wears a feathery crown. The monastery seems like a small town of the XVII century. After 400 years, the monastery was opened up for public. You will feel like being put back 4 centuries. You walk through numerous gardens and terrasses, the kitchen and the former slaves' rooms. You can even have a look at the washingmachines of the time. Today there are about 20 nuns still living in a section of the monastery, whereas it was about 500 nuns living in Santa Catalina back then. Concluding our tour, we will visit the "Casa Tristán del Pozo", the plaza of San Francisco and the archaeological museum.
Included meals: breakfast

Day 6: Free day in Arequipa
Today you will have the whole day to yourself to explore one of the most beautiful cities of Peru. You can stroll through Arequipa and visit the surrounding: the mummy Joanita, the Sabandia mine, the mansion of the founder etc. Optional tours: Toro Muerto, Rafting etc.

Included meals: breakfast

Day 7: Arequipa - Cabanaconde
Today we will leave Arequipa and head to one of the world's deepest Canyon: the Colca Canyon (3.400 m). The bus ride will take about 4 hours. We will pass the Pampa Cañahuas and the conservation area Aguada Blanca, which is the home to many vikunjas and alpacas. The highest point of the route is at 4.900 m above sea-level. On our way we pass precolumbian terrasses, that are still used for agriculture by inhabitants. Colca is the perfect place for practicing adventurous sports. We stay the night in the village Cabanaconde.
Included meals: breakfast, lunch


Day 8: Cabanaconde - Cruz del Cóndor - Puno
The Cruz del Cóndor, the perfect viewpoint, from which you can watch the flight of the majestic condor early in the morning, will be our first destination of the day. With a wingspan of up to 3,20 metres, the Condor is one of the world's largest birds. Also you will have a breathtaking view over the opposite side of the canyon, where the village Tapay is located. We will visit a couple of touristic spots in the Colca valley and get to know the region and people. We will see the pre-Inca tombs, Litomaquetas and go to a viewpoint to see the terrasses and small traditional villages like Pinchollo, Macay and Yanque. On the way to Puno, we will visit the "Bosque de Piedra", the Imata's stone forest.
Included meals: breakfast

Day 9: Puno - Lake Titikaka - floating islands of Uros - Amantani
Today we will go on a boat trip on lake Titikaka und visit the islands. Firstly our tour leads us to the Uros islands, home of the Aymara-culture. Those islands are also called the "floating islands", because they are completely made of reed and swim on the lake. The natives continuously construct their islands with new layers of reed ("scirpus torota", mineral fibres from the family of papyrus). They also use this material to build their houses and boats. Next we will get the chance to visit natives on the island Amantani, who will give us an insight in their traditional life. In the afternoon we will take a walk to a temple site built in times of the Incan empire. We will spend the night in the house of a native family.
Included meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner


Day 10: Amantani island - Taquile - Puno
After breakfast we will head to the island Taquile. The islanders developed an efficient social system passed on from generation to generation. Also, they know the finest weaving techniques. We will have lunch on the island. In the afternoon we are going to take a walk over the island's hills and will discover the archaeological sites. Subsequent we will return to our hotel in Puno. The evening will be free to relax.
Included meals: breakfast

Day 11: Puno - Cusco
After breakfast we continue our journey to the Inca city Cusco by bus. We will travel along a plateau und pass the village Ayaviri, an important livestock breeding and textile centre. We will visit the impressive temples called "Kalasaya", that originate from the ancient Pucara culture. Along our way we will also make a stop in Rachi, where a spectacular Inka sanctuary honoring the Inca god was built by the Wiracocha. The construction consists of a large wall with a stoned base made of the finest Inca architecture. The other walls are made of large mud bricks and there are two circular colomns. Around the temple you can still find buildings today, that were used as warehouses or homes. Approximately 70 km further we pass a ranch called "La Raya", where we can see Vicuña and Lama herds. During our tour, we can also see the beautiful lake Wacarpay, that offers us a spectacular view on the mountains. Our journey takes us to the village of Andahuaylillas, where we will visit the church San Pedro, that is mostly know as the "sistine church of the Americans" due to its polychrome ceiling. During our lunch buffet in a quitely situated restaurant we can enjoy the delicious regional cuisine. Saturated, we will eventually arrive in Cusco.
Included meals: breakfast, lunch


Day 12: Cusco City Tour
After breakfast you have the morning free. In the afternoon, we will participate a guided city tour visiting the main plaza, the cathedral and Koricancha, a former military and religious centre of the Inca empire, that is dedicated to the sun god. Outside the city, we will examine Tambomachay (Inca baths), Puca Pucara (a military control centre), the Kenko amphitheatre (prove of the mystic character of the time) and the fortress Sacsayhuaman, that is located on a hill of Cusco. It's famous for its stones, that form the external walls and were curved with an enourmous amount of precision. A couple of them are higher than 9 metres and weigh more than 350 tons. Afterwards we will return to our hotel.
Included meals: breakfast

Day 13: Cusco -Ollantaytambo - Sacred Valley
The day begins with an excursion to the Sacred Valley of the Incas, where you will have the chance to see the typican Inca terrasses and villages, such as Pisac with its colorful Indian market, Calca, Yucay and Urubamba. After lunch we will explore Ollantaytambo, an extensive complex, that was used as an administration, agricultural and religious centre in the Inca era. Here you can see large rock walls, temples and palaced. We will spend the night in a hotel in the Sacred Valley.
Included meals: breakfast

Day 14: Sacred Valley - Machu Picchu - Aguas Calientes
Today our trip leads us to the city Aguas Caliente, that is located at the foot of the Machu Piccu and was discovered by the North Americans in 1911. Having arrived in Aguas Calientes, we will climb up to the "lost Inca city" which is one of the new seven wonders of the world, in a 25 minutes zig zag course. During the next 3 hours, we will learn more about the ruins. Our guide explains us, what an incredible amount of technology was required and how precise the builders must have treated the massive stone to let this complex emerge. The laid out water-spending canals indicate that the Incas had a profound knowledge of hydraulic processes. The stairs that were curved into the stones and the Intihuatana (or the "highest point of the sun"), that was used as a solar calender und affected the seeding and harvesting, are forms of expression of the fundamental knowledge and the technological progress of the empire. All those constructions along with the temple of the sun, the "Tumba Real", the priest's house, the Inca baths and the "Templo de las tres Ventanas" allow us to plunge back into the past. With the help of our guide we can admire these impressive constructions. We will spend the night in Aguas Calientes.
Included meals: breakfast


Day 15: Aguas Calientes - Machu Picchu - Cusco
Today after brekfast is a great opportunity to enjoy the sunrise. Get to know the village Aguas Calientes and go to the hot springs. Later, you will have the possibility to join the following activity: trekking to the waterfalls of Mandor. You will reach the waterfalls in 1,5 hours by foot (4km). The path is flat and will lead you along the railway tracks and the pulling river Vilcanota. During the trek you will see the beautiful landscape and its rich vegetation: Coffee, papayas, bananas, avocados and herbs. The waterfall contains crystal-clear water and is supplied by the topside of the mountain "Apu Yanantin". Night spend in Cusco.
Included meals: breakfast


There are two options to choose from:


First option: Tambota National Park, Sandoval Lake


Day 16: Cusco - Puerto Maldnado - Mounkey Island

Transfer to the airport. After an one hour flight we will arrive in Puerto Maldonado. From the airport you will be picked up and taken to the port from where you will go by boat to your hotel. We will be welcomed with a refreshing juice from the region. After a short break we begin a two- hour hike into the dense tropical rainforest. An experienced local guide leads us through the rainforest and shows us a variety of trees that are more than 500 years old, as well as numerous species of animals in their natural habitat. We will most likely see toucans, orioles, macaws, monkeys, snakes, butterflies and more. You have the opportunity to feel the magic of the Amazon rainforest, which is part of the Tambopata National Park (278.000.000 hectares).

After lunch we will visit the "Monkey Island", which is located in front of our lodge. We will cross the Madre de Dios River and observe various species of monkeys, like capuchin monkeys. Afterwards we return to the lodge. At night you have the possibility to search with a flashlight for white alligators, which are usually found on sandbanks in the river Madre de Dios. Also we can observe the Capybara, which is the largest rodent in the world, weighing up to 60kg. We will return to the lodge and have dinner.


Day 17: Sandoval Lake

After breakfast we go for a walk (3km). In the middle of the dense tropical jungle we will see the Sandoval lake, habitat of the Piranhas. With a boat we will cross the largest lake of the Tambopata National Park and get to knowthe great variety of birds, monkeys and other animals (Shansho, Cormorant, Jacanas, Pumareiher, Buzzards, Cotomono, Monkey Monks, Black Machin, Pichicos and Sloths). Afterwards we will have dinner.


Day 18: Puerto Maldonado - Lima

At 5:30 am we will take a short walk along the Canopy trail, which is over 30 meters high and gives us the opportunity to admire the nature. We will have a panoramic view of the Madre de Dios River and observe various species of birds such as Tukana, Macaws, Tanager and Pirole.

After reaksfast we will return to the city and have a transfer to the airport.


Important: We recommend you to bring mosquito repellent, a flashlight, binoculars, sunscreen, running shoes, a long-sleeved shirt and long pants in preferably pale colours.


Second option: Iquitos

Day 16: Lima - Iquitos
Early in the morning we will head to the airport and fly to Iquitos. Transfer to the river pier and navigation by the world's most abundant river, the Amazon, aboard comfortable and safe typical boats.
The boat trip will allow you to appreciate a wonderful panorama in which the magnificence of the river opens its way through the lushness of the jungle where the picturesque riverside villages also loom. During the sailing we will stop at the mouth of the Nanay River, to search for freshwater dolphins (pink and grey). Then we continue until we reach the natural rustic hostel, built in native style with local materials. Afterwards, we will continue our journey to a village where a family of the ethnic YAGUA is established, one of the most ancient ethnic groups of the Amazon. Whose ancestors were discovered by Francisco de Orellana in his first exploration of the Amazon in 1541. This visit will allow you to know its ancestral custom, to appreciate its original clothing of palm fibers and even to test its aim with the Pucuna or blowgun (weapon of wind) that the Yaguas used for centuries for hunting and the protection of the family. Here we will have lunch.

In the afternoon we get ready to do the fishing tour, we will make the traditional way of fishing for piranha or other species. The guide will teach you some local fishing techniques. Sunset Observation in the Amazon (subject to climatological time). Dinner.
Night excursion: Walk around the hostel in search of tarantulas, amphibians, reptiles, rodents, etc.

Day 17: Amazonas & Lodge

Sunrise Tour in the Amazon - bird watching (subject to weather), during the early hours of the morning is the best time to observe many of the bird species that feed on the banks of the river or the plantations that are located around the community. Breakfast. Hike Ethnobotany through the jungle to get to know the flora and fauna. After enjoying a delicious lunch, we continue our tour and then navigate to a rescue center, the Amazonian animal sanctuary where you will be able to meet the famous Anaconda, the largest water boa on planet Earth, as well as the BOA Mantona, the Matamata turtle, species of monkeys such as the woolly Monkey, Maqui Sapa, Machín, Saki, friars... The lazy bear, species of exotic birds: toucan, parrots. We will have dinner while hearing Amazon Tales and Legends.

Day 18: Amazonas - Iquitos

After breakfast we will visit the village to know the custom and also visit the Trapiche, craft machine to grind sugar cane. We will test the juice of the cane and see the derivatives and how they are made locally. Here we will have lunch.

Then, we sail through the Amazon to reach the town of Florid, a small riverside community located on the banks of the Amazon River, dedicated to fishing and agriculture. From this point it takes us a short 5 minutes walk to get to Fundo Pedro, where we will see caimans, aquatic plants and the largest freshwater fish, the Paiche.

After enjoying a beautiful day sailing along the Amazon River we will begin the return to the city of Iquitos. Arrival in the city Iquitos and free evening.

Day 19: Lima - flight home
After 3 weeks of adventure in Peru it is time to say good-bye. We will accompany you to the airport of Lima from where you will depart. We hope that you return home with lot's of wonderful memories and great experiences.
Included meals: breakfast


Included in the tour price:

-Flight Lima - Iquitos - Lima
-Flight Cusco - Lima
-Tour in Iquitos 4 days 3 nights
-Local und experienced tour guides

-Meals as mentioned in the program
-2 times buffet lunch (Colca - Puno)
-Accommodation in 3 - Star Hotels with breakfast
-All entrance fees to nationalparks, museums, Machu Picchu train, boat (Lake Titikaka)
-Private transportation (days 1,2,3,4,5,6,8)


Not included in the tour price:

-International flights

-Flight over Nasca - lines
-Snacks, mineral water, entry to discotheques und alcoholic drinks