TRIPS TOUR Peru The Andes, Coast and Jungle

TRIPS TOUR Peru The Andes, Coast and Jungle

Peru private: Andes, coast and jungle. From the Central Andes to the South of Peru in 22 days

During this trip you will get to know the fascinating variety of Peru. Range the unspoilt landscape of the Central Andes. Due to a multitude of minerals the highlands offer incredible views of colorful mountains. Beside the classical touristic attractions you gain insight into the original, authentic Peru. On a short trip to the jungle you can observe the variety of exotic flora and fauna of the peruvian jungle. Shortly after, you experience the contrary side of Peru: the vastness of desert in the South of Peru along the coastside. Explore the diversity of cultures, which have inhabited and influenced the country and taste the dishes of the Peruvian cuisine. The diversified short trekking tours let the hearts of both hikers and nature lovers beat faster. Immerse into the original, authentic Peru with all its diversified facets.

Conditions of the tour:

*This programm is possible from 2 person.

*The price varies, depending on the time the private guide stays with you.

*The hotels of the program are ***3-star-hotels and clean, comfortable, safe and central.

*The program is flexible. You can easily select different hotels and vary the program before concluding the contract.

*The program includes a day in the municipalities of Raqchi, Patabamba an Llachon, which share adventure tourism.


Day 1: Lima - Arrival
You are here! Arrival with the airplane from your home country to the capital of Peru. We are going to pick you up at the airport and take you to your hotel in Miraflores (district of Lima). After checking in to the hotel you have time to recover from the long journey.


Day 2: Lima – Canta
Today we start our adventurous trip around Peru. In the morning we leave the metropolis Lima and drive along the river Chillon to the highlands of the Cordilleras. First we transit the suburbs of the mega-metropolis but shortly after the landscapes change into agricultural areas and then into mountainous regions. After only a short time of travel we have overcome a 3.000m change of altitude. On the way we can admire many spectacular view, where we are going to stop to take pictures and stretch our legs. Close to Canta we are going to visit the Cascades de Huanmanmayo. Canta is a small cozy town in the mountains.


Day 3: Canta – Tarma
We continue our ride up to the traverse of our first pass of the Andes, the Abra la Víuda with an altitude of 4.500m. After we passing the "Bosque de Piedras" we reach Peru's second biggest lake, Lago Junin, where we find a extraordinary diversity of flora and fauna. Today's destination is Tarma. For many visitors the highlight of this stop is to discover the many, partly unexplored archaeological places outboard of the town.


Day 4: Tarma - La Merced
Our journey continues through the highlands to the hillsides of the Central Andes. We are following the river Tarma and leave the Andes for a short time. You can observe how the landscape, the flora and the fauna change with every meter we surpass. Our ride ends in La Merced, the "entrance" to the infinite Amazon lowlands.


Day 5: La Merced - Huancayo
After our visiting a butterfly farm, in which you are able to observe not only different butterfly species but also the colorful variety of exotic plants, animals and birds, typical for the region. Afterwards you are going on a 30 minutes walk through the jungle to get to a cascade, where you can take a short refreshing bath. Back on the plateau of the Altiplano we continue our drive to Huancayo, the most important city of the region.


Day 6: Huancayo - Lima
On our way back to Lima alongside the coast we are stopping at a textile factory, where we gain insight into the manufacturing of Alpaca- and Lamatextils. Our next station is a workshop for converting silver into jewelry and decoration. During the rest of the trip you can enjoy the beauty of the mountains until we arrive 7 hours later in Lima.


Day 7: Lima - City tour - Paracas
In the morning you are going on a sightseeing trip to discover the colonial and modern Lima as well as the diversity of the Metropolis. Furthermore you are visiting the cathedral and the catacombs. Afterwards we drive along the picturesque Pacific coast on the Panamericana to ParacasOn the way to Paracas you have the possibility to buy fruits and drinks on the market. The rest of the day you can relax or explore the city.


Day 8: Paracas - Ballestas Islands - Oasis Huacachina - Nasca
During our boat ride to the Ballestas Islands we pass the famous Candelabro. This "chandelier" resembles the Nasca lines, however it is significantly younger. On the Ballestas Islands you are going to see seals, pelicans and penguins. Back on the mainland we are going to visit the Paracas national park and then continue our journey to Ica and the Oasis Huacachina, a unique nature spectacle as from the tales of thousand and one nights. A short tour through the Oasis or a buggytour are optional. We continue driving to Nasca.


Day 9: Nasca - Arequipa
In the morning you can immerse into the mysterious world of the Nasca lines during a flight above the area (optional). Until today the origin and the meaning of the lines remain a mystery. The pictures show immense area figures that are composed of lines which are up to 100m. Due to its enormous dimension, the figures are not recognizable from the ground. In the afternoon we continue our trip on the Panamericana to Arequipa. The route goes through the desert, along the Andes on the one side and the Pacific ocean on the other. We stop at picturesque villages like Acari with huge olive tree fields, Ocoña with its majestic river, Puerto Inca, where the "Camino Inca" starts, and other viewing platforms with wonderful panoramas of unique landscapes. We spend the night in Arequipa at an altitude of 2.300m.


Day 10: Arequipa
After a delicious breakfast we are going on a sightseeing tour around the colonial center of the "white city" during which we visit the cathedral, the monastery Santa Catalina (entrance included) and the market San Camillo, where you can try the diversity of fruits. After an interesting city tour you have the afternoon free to further discover the historical town on your own.


Day 11: Arequipa - Cabanaconde
In the early morning we drive to the Colca Canyon, one of the deepest canyon worldwide and definitely of one of the most impressive ones. The deepest point is the peak of the Ajirhua with 5.226m. Furthermore, we reach the highest point of our journey, the Patapampa Pass with an altitude of 4.910m. Today's destination is Cabanaconde. On the way there we can enjoy the views of the mountains, the canyon and the Inca terraces.


Day 12: Cabanaconde - Trekking in the Colca Canyon
We start a 4 hour trekking tour from the village Cabanaconde (3.200m) down to the village San Juan de Chuccho (2.200m). There we are going to recover and enjoy the beautiful view on the canyon during our lunch. Afterwards we are hiking for 3 more hours to the Oasis (Sangalle,1200m). While waiting for the dinner, you can relax in the pool and recover from the long hiking trip.


Day 13: Trekking in Colca Canyon - Cabanaconde
Early in the morning (4:00 am) we are starting to climb the Colca Canyon to Cabanaconda in the light of the moon (approximately 4h). If you are too tired you have the possibility to ride a mule to the top. Once we made it to the top we can enjoy our breakfast. The afternoon is free so you have time to explore Cabanaconde.


Day 14: Cabanaconde - Llachon
In the morning (approximately 8:00 am) we are going to the Mirador la Cruz del Condor to observe the flight of the condor, the king of the Andes. In the afternoon the huge birds disappear into the 1.200m deep canyon. Unfortunately there is no guaranty to see the condor flight. On the way back we will visit the cities of Yanque, Coporaque, Achoma and Maca. This is a good opportunity to get to know the way of life of the inhabitants of these cities, as not much has changed during the time of the Incas. It is time for a lunch buffet. After that we make our way towards the community of Llachon. Along the way we will visit the Imata Stone Forest and observe flamingos as well as native birds of the area. Accommodation in Puno.


Day 15: Puno - Lake Titicaca - Llanchon - Puno
One of the most original regions at the lake Titicaca are the landscapes and villages on the peninsula Llanchon. You have the opportunity to take small hiking trips and discover interesting places and things like the fields of terraces from the Inca period and the lives of the native farmers as well as their traditions and customs. Of course you are going to have some amazing panoramas of the lake Titicaca, too. Night at hotel in Puno.


Day 16: Puno - Raqui Montaña de Colores

After breakfast we are heading to Raqui. We drive on the high plateau of Callao and stop in the village of Ayaviri, an important center for textile and animal breeding. We visit the Kalasasaya museum, ruins of the ancient Pucara culture. On the way we stop in Rachi to pick up our lunch box and continue to Titumarca at the end of the road. There you can decide whether you want to climb up by foot or ride on a horse. After enjoying the view of the rainbow mountain, we return to Rachi.


Day 17: Raqui - Cuzco

After breakfast we visit a spectacular Inca sanctuary, which was built by Inca Pachacutec and dedicated to the god Inca Wiracocha. 70km later. During the ride, we pass the enchanted Wacarpay Lake, which offers spectacular mountain views, reflected in the calm water. We continue to the beautiful city of Andahuaylillas and visit the church of San Pedro de Andahuaylillas, better known as the Capilla Sistine de las Americas, because of its polychrome ceiling. Lunch buffet is served in a quiet country restaurant, where you can enjoy the delicious culinary dishes of the region. Arrival in Cuzco.

Day 18: Cuzco- City tour Patabamba

After breakfast we have a free morning to acclimatize. Afterwards we go on an interesting private city tour and visit the cathedral, the temple of the sun and Korikancha. The tour starts outside the city to visit the kenko, Tambomachay, Puca Pucura and the impressive Sacsayhuaman Fortress built on a hill from which you have an amazing view over Cuzco. In the afternoon we visit Patabamba. We will go into the forest to collect leaves, flowers and herbs. The population of Patabamba is privileged to have a natural balcony which has a hight of 800m in the Sacred Valley, from where you have can enjoy the incredible landscape. The villagers will teach us how to cook pachamanca, an ancient way to cook under the ground. We will also attend a ceremony. In the late afternoon you will be introduced to your host families, who will welcome you in their homes for dinner and an overnight stay as well as share cultural aspects with you. Night in the community of Patabamba.


Day 19: Community of Patabamba (Trekking of 7 hours medium level to the Sacred Valley)

After breakfast we will get to know the traditional craft activities of the villagers. Afterwards we departure from Patabamba and head to the archaelogical group of Huchuyqosco. On the way you can admire the Quechua valleys of the Andes, with beautiful viewpoints over the famous Sacred Valley of the Incas. We continue on the Inca Trail and finally arrive in the town of Pukamarca, where we will rest and have a picnic prepared by the brothers of Patabamba. Then we continue to the archaelogical remains of Huchuyqosco, the heritage built by the Incas. We will walk downhill until we reach the community of Huchuyqosco and have lunch. The climb down continues to the Lamay district, where our transfer to our hotel in Ollantaytambo is waiting for us.


If you don't go on the hike you can do activities like dye and weave your fabrics or other excursions.


Day 20: Sacred Valley of the Incas - Aguas Calientes

After the breakfast we visit Ollantaytambo. The archaelogical site of Ollantaytambo was a military, religious and agricultural center. The archektonic environment is extraordinary interesting due to the size, originality and details of its structures.

Afterwards we drive to Aguas Calientes by train for two hours. You have free time in the afternoon. We spend the night in a hotel.


Day 21: Aguas Calientes - Machu Picchu/ Mountain Hike - Cuzco

Today we drive 25 minutes to the lost city of the Incas, one of the seven new wonders of the world. We will have 3 hours to see the ruins. Our guide will explain how this incredible work was created, as well as the very precise stone construction and water supply channels. Afterwards we climb up the Machu Picchu Mountain, which is 800m higher than the Machu Picchu Citadel. The tiring path, which consists of natural stairs, is rewarded with beautiful panoramic views of the Citadel of Machu Picchu and the Vilcabamba Valley.


Day 22: Cuzco - Lima
After some impressive but exhausting days in the Andes you have the ability to spend the day in one of the most beautiful cities of Latin America. You have the day free to wander around the streets of the old town or visit one of the colorful markets. In the afternoon you take your flight to Lima, from where you are going to catch your international flight back home. We hope you had a great time and take many unforgettable memories with you back home.